It's gonna take a lot more than one T-bone to replace all the protein I left in Yemen.
- -- Bloodshot
Break out the popcorn before Bloodshot hits the big screen and witness the supersoldier unleashed!
New York Times bestselling writer Tim Seeley (Grayson) and industry icon Brett Booth (Titans) let loose a can’t-miss chapter of their pulse-pounding new series!
The origin issue of Eidolon, Bloodshot’s greatest nemesis in the making!
Featured Characters:
- Bloodshot (Flashback and main story)
Supporting Characters:
- The Burned (First appearance)
- Agent Nix (First appearance)
- Project Rising Spirit (Flashback only)
- Field team
- Hutch (Mentioned only)
- Black Bar
- General Grayle
- Eidolon (Flashback and main story) (real name revealed to be Mina Nez)
- Apostle Air Squad
- Thaddeus
- The Last Flesh (Behind the scenes) (Flashback only)
- Hemoborgs (Flashback only)
- SSKREEEE! monster (Only appearance; dies) (Flashback only)
- Hemoborgs (Flashback only)
- Vampire Robots (also very spider-like) (Flashback only)
Other Characters:
- Ben Price (Deceased) (Mentioned only)
- Brian Apanewicz (Mentioned only) (Flashback only)
- Jessie (Bloodshot's daughter) (Mentioned only)
- Jonathan Brock (Deceased) (Mentioned only)
- Michael Heel (Deceased) (Mentioned only)
- Psiots (Mentioned only)
- Asia
- Indian Ocean
- Qatar (Mentioned only)
- Vietnam War (Mentioned only)
- Yemen
- Hodeidah
- Indian Ocean
- North America (Flashback only)
- United States of America
- New Mexico
- Black Echo (Underground base)
- New Mexico
- United States of America
- Black Bar suits
- Drone jet packs
- The Burned's black mask
- The Burned's flight suits
- BZ (Nerve gas)
- Nanites
- T-bone steaks (medium rare)
- Black Sky helicopter
- Writers: Tim Seeley
- Pencilers: Brett Booth
- Inkers: Adelso Corona
- Colorists: Andrew Dalhouse
- Letterers: Dave Sharpe
- Recap Design: Travis Escarfullery
- Cover Artists: Declan Shalvey (A), Dave Johnson (B), Marc Laming (C), Tim Seeley & Ulises Arreola (Pre-Order)
- Editors: Lysa Hawkins, Drew Baumgartner (assistant editor)
- Senior Editorial Director: Robert Meyers
This article does not have a synopsis recorded yet.
Pre-Order Edition[]
The Pre-Order Edition of this issue contains the following exclusive material:
- Bloodshot #3 Cover Gallery (1 page)
- Textless Cover A
- Textless Cover B
- Textless Cover C
- Textless Pre-Order Edition Cover
- Page in Process (2 pages)
- Script, pencils, inks, and lettered final for page 9
- Blood Shots - script excerpts and inked art (2 pages)
- Slight of Hand
- Surprised, Recognized
- Caught Unawares
- I Am Bat-Human
- Oh What A World
- There's No Place Like "Om"
- Behind the Scenes with writer Tim Seeley (2 pages)
- About the Last Flesh, their high-tech vampires and vampire robots (over unlettered pages 6 & 3)
- Character Introductions with writer Tim Seeley (1 page; over unlettered page 15)
- The Burned
- The name Apanewicz was also mentioned in Bloodshot (Volume 3) #1.
- "Very Deerhunter" is a reference to the 1978 movie and war drama The Deer Hunter.
I'm putty! You shoot me it goes right through and hits her!
- -- Bloodshot
Psiots that survived their activation are hard enough to find, right? On that can manipulate DNA must be a prize jackpot. Manipulate and detect altered DNA.
- -- Bloodshot
I had...have a daughter. Jessie is her name. The moment I met her, everything changed. Knowing Jessie and watching her grow made me realize only one thing worth protecting is innocent life. But my life is corrupt and dangerous. Full of people who want to use me for their own ends. I tried. I really did. But I realized the best thing for Jessie was for me to run as far away as I could.
- -- Bloodshot
It's gonna take a lot more than one T-bone to replace all the protein I left in Yemen.
- -- Bloodshot
Agreed. That's why I made you twenty-five filets. I hope you like medium rare.
- -- Agent Nix
You're always free to go, Bloodshot. There aren't any prisoners here. But there are thousands of soldiers and spies from across the world. A secret army. All of us were used, and then abandoned once we'd done a cruel duty for our nations. Each of us was stripped of our identities. All of us burned. We don't want to use you. On the contrary. We want to give you access and opportunity. Allies and support. We want you to use your indestructible body as you see fit for the first time in your life. We want you to choose your mission.
- -- Agent Nix
Cover Art[]
- Bloodshot
This section is for footnotes and citations.