Valiant Comics Database

Quote1 Good ol' nanotechnology... filling my veins with computers the size of blood cells. They give me total control. It's what gives me an edge... what makes me Bloodshot. Quote2
-- Bloodshot

Blood and Roses[]


Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Rosetti (Only appearance; dies)

Other Characters:

  • Bill (Single appearance)
  • Charles (Only appearance; dies)
  • Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
    • McCarthy (Single appearance)
    • Raskin (Single appearance)
  • Frank (Only appearance; dies)
  • Vinceno Trebecci (Single appearance)






This article does not have a synopsis recorded yet.


This article has no additional notes or trivia.


Quote1 This place makes my skin crawl. Neville owes me big-time for this one. I don't care what kind of favors he owed the D.E.A., this assignment bites. Quote2
-- Bloodshot
Quote1 Good ol' nanotechnology... filling my veins with computers the size of blood cells. They give me total control. It's what gives me an edge... what makes me Bloodshot. Quote2
-- Bloodshot
Quote1 I was supposed to be backup... nobody was expecting a massacre. I'm not about to let these bastards go free... or let the courts slap their wrists and let them walk. Quote2
-- Bloodshot
Quote1 This is wrong. She's a married woman. Quote2
-- Bloodshot
Quote1 I foudn out why you're not supposed to cook bacon in the nude. Quote2
-- Bloodshot
Quote1 Vincenzo Trebecci is a lying, murderous criminal who deserves to die... but I'm going to protect him... because he loves his wife. And so do I. Quote2
-- Bloodshot
Quote1 I thought I loved you, but I was just running away. I was willing to trade my prison for the one I'd share with you. Frankly... I don't think you're worth it. Quote2
-- Bloodshot




This section is for footnotes and citations.

External links[]
