Faith Herbert, codename Zephyr, is a superhero with the ability to fly and bring others with her. She has been part of the Renegades, a group of young psiots who rebel against Toyo Harada and his Harbinger Foundation.
For her daytime job as a journalist in Los Angeles she created the alter ego "Summer Smith", wearing glasses and a red wig to complete the disguise. Currently, Faith is in a romantic relationship with Obadiah Archer.
Faith Herbert was recruited by Toyo Harada to join his Harbinger Foundation. A latent psiot, Faith's ability of flight was unlocked by Peter Stanchek. Faith was present during Peter's attack against Harada, which resulted from Harada ordering Joe's (Peter's best friend) death. She saved him from the brink of death just as he was falling from the Harada Conglomerates building.Peter being badly injured requested Faith bring Kris Hathaway to him.
Taking on the name Zephyr, she appeared at Kris' window asking that she see to Peter, as he is gravely injured from his attack against Harada. She agrees together Zephyr and she fly to the old abandoned post office, where Peter is lying sickly. He suggest to Kris that she should kill him for all the pain he has caused her, she however declines. Instead she petitions the idea of robbing a local bank with the help of Peter, and Zephyr, which he agrees to in hopes of putting him in good terms with Kris. Kris is able to lure Harada to her home informing him that Peter will be there, however it is all just a ruse. P.R.S. let out an airstrike on the home, thinking they'd had finally killed Peter, little did they know Harada was inside, he then proceeded to murder the remaining P.R.S. troops with his psionic abilities.
Kris had her family moved to a nearby hotel and explained to them why she had to go away for a while and for them not to worry. Together, Zephyr, Kris, and Peter set out to track down anyone possessing latent psiot abilities before Harada could get to them.
Faith Herbert was recruited by mic book nerd, which leads her to adopt more tradit to join his Harbinger Foundation. A latent psiot, Faith's ability of flight was unlocked by She is a huge fan of Doctor Who.
and Abi. Faith was present during Peter's attack against Harada, which resulted from Harada ordering Joe's (Peter's best friend) death. She saved him from the brink of death just as he was falling from the Harada Conglomerates building.Peter being badly injured requested Faith bring abilities as well.
- Self-Propelled Flight: Fai to him.
Taking on the name Zephyr, she appeared at Kris' window asking that she see to Peter, as he is gravely injured from his attack against Harada. She agrees together Zephyr and she fly to the old abandoned post office, where Peter is lying sickly. He suggest to Kris that she should kill him for all the pain he has caused her, she however declines. Instead she petitions the idea of robbing a local bank with the help of Peter, and Zephyr, which he agrees to in hopes of putting him in good terms with Kris. Kris is able to lure Harada to her home informing him that Peter will be there, however it is all just a ruse. P.R.S. let out an airstrike on the home, thinking they'd had finally killed Peter, little did they know Harada was inside, he then proceeded to murder the remaining P.R.S. troops with his psionic abilities.
Kris had her family moved to a nearby hotel and explained to them why she had to go away for a while and for them not to worry. Together, Zephyr, Kris, and Peter set out to track down anyone possessing latent psiot abilities before Harada could get to them.
Faith is a sci-fi and comic book nerd, which leads her to adopt more traditional superhero characteristics than her friends, such as secret identities and super-names. She is a huge fan of Doctor Who.
Powers and Abilities[]
Air Manipulation:'})
Harbin'er Vol 2 22 Kitson Variant Textless.jpg|Harbinger (Volume 2) #22
(April, 2014)
Harbinger Faith Vol 1 0 Textless.jpg|Harbinger: Faith #0
(December, 2014)
FAITH 001 VARIANT-BORDERaerokinetic' ab abilities as well.
- Self-Propelled Flight: Faith is able to engage in a form of self-propelled flight through sheer force of will. She is ale to fly across long distances and at incredible speeds. Faith has also learned to use her newly-developed aerokinetic abilities to enable other individuals to fly as well.
- Companion Field
- Wind Blasts: Faith has demonstrated the ability to project concentrated blast bolts of air-pressure at her opponents in order to damage, repel, or destroy them.
- Force Fields: Faith has learned to create and manipulate force-fields with her aerokientic capabilities. She can use these force-fields to deflect and/or decelerate incoming attacks, such as bullets, missiles, blunt force attacks, etc...
- Psychokinesis
- Shields
This character has no special equipment listed.
This article has no additional notes or trivia.
Cover Girl[]
- What are you talking about? I'm in the secret H.Q. of a society of freakin' awesome! I've seen them! Amazing powers and those pretty uniforms! Everything I've ever dreamed about, it's all real! And me being bullied at school and lonely and fat! All this time thinking I was different in some amazing way. That was real too! Look, they said it's dangerous, but that's okay. I was meant for this. My whole life is about this moment. It'll work. I know it will. Don't be a jerk. Make me a superhero. Pleasepleaseplease...
- -- Faith Herbert[src]
- Heck yeah!!! It worked! You made me a real life superhero!! And I sooo totally saved you from those jerks too! Boom! I'm going to be the greatest superhero in forever! Joss Whedon's gonna make a freakin' movie about me starring Christina Hendricks!
- -- Faith Herbert[src]
- I'm not saying I wasn't scared. I totally was! I mean, how fast could I go? How high could I fly? Would I be able to stop his fall? Would he take me down with him? So, yeah. It was scary. But this is what heroes do, right? They throw themselves into the void for strangers without a second thought. They hold the line of compassion for other human beings in a world built on chaos. There's only one reason why I didn't go to the great cosmic comic-con in the sky with mom and dad in that car crash all those years ago... I'm still here because the world needs me. My name's Zephyr. I'm a superhero.
- -- Faith Herbert[src]
- I don't care if I fall again. I don't care if I die from flying right now. Thank you. Thank you for this life.
- -- Faith[src]
- What are any of you saying? These are innocent, weak children in trouble! I'm sick of this - this bull hockey! All of it! I'm sick of stealing people's cars and robbing banks! I'm sick of picking fights with disabled people in bars and getting drunk and wiping people's memories and brainwashing the police! Do you really think we were made special so we could do nothing for nobody?! When are we going to stop being a bunch of selfish jerks and start helping others?! When?!
- -- Faith[src]
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