Ritual decides everything. Ritual and a sharp blade.
- -- Orta'Ka
The mind-controlled Bloodshot enlists the help of the Church Fallen to further his nefarious plans! Rai comes face-to-face with the animalistic hybrids of the Kor’Tunga clan! Can Rai stop the resurrection of Father, his greatest enemy, before it’s too late?
Fallen World[]
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Eternal Warrior
- Karana
- Lula Lee
- Kor'Tunga Clans (First appearance)
- Orta'Ka (First appearance)
- War Mother / Ana
- Bloodfather
- Bloodshot 4001 (Possessed)
- Church Fallen
Other Characters:
- The Green
- Gut'Kha (Ex-Clan Chieftain of the Kor'Tunga) (Mentioned only)
- Mammoths
- Positrons
- Sontaku City Control (Behind the scenes)
- 41st Century
- 4002 C.E. (Present day)
- Earth
- New Japan / Nu Japan (Mentioned only)
- 4002 C.E. (Present day)
- Second Dark Age (Mentioned only)
- Flaco
- Geoforce
- The Legacy Protocol
- Father's third off-spring (Failsafe back-up version)
- Nanites
- Writers: Dan Abnett
- Pencilers: Adam Pollina
- Inkers: Adam Pollina
- Colorists: Ulises Arreola
- Letterers: Jeff Powell
- Cover Artists: Brett Booth, Adelso Corona & Andrew Dalhouse (A), Fernando Dagnino & Ulises Arreola (B), Caspar Wijngaard (C), David Mack (Pre-Order)
- Editors: Karl Bollers (senior), David Menchel (associate)
- Senior Editorial Director: Robert Meyers
This article does not have a synopsis recorded yet.
Pre-Order Edition[]
The Pre-Order Edition of this issue contains the following exclusive material:
- Fallen World #3 Cover Gallery (1 page)
- Textless Cover A
- Textless Cover B
- Textless Cover C
- Textless Glass Variant Cover
- Page in Process (2 pages)
- Script, line art, colors, and lettered final for page 1
- Fallen Fashion (2 pages)
- Character Designs and Commentary by A.J. Jothikumar
- The Church Fallen
- Circadian
- Random member
- The Church Fallen
- Character Designs and Commentary by A.J. Jothikumar
- Visions of the Future - script excerpts and line art (2 pages)
- Off-Spring Into Action
- With Friends Like These, Who Needs Effigies?
- Prisoners of War Mother
- Green Queen
- Going in Croco-Style
- Preacher from the Black Lagoon
- The City in the Clouds (1 page)
- Commentary by Dan Abnett (over page 15)
This article has no additional notes or trivia.
"Bloodfather?" Hmm. I like that. It fits this new form I have inhabited...and it speaks to what must be done. Bloodshed. Killing. Open war is the only viable instrument I can use to reclaim authority.
- -- Father through Bloodshot 4001
Like I said, the world has changed. Healing the world was always going to be a fight.
- -- War Mother
No. The work of the Geomancer is not a fight--
- -- Karana
Maybe it should be. Maybe it has to be now.
- -- War Mother
Shut up, Gilad. None of this is amusing.
- -- Karana
...so I blew Gut'Kha in the ritual pit, and became Orta'Ka, Clan Chieftain of Kor'Tunga. That's the way it's done, see? Ritual decides everything. Ritual and a sharp blade.
- -- Orta'Ka
Cover Art[]
This section is for footnotes and citations.
External links[]
There are currently no external links listed for this article.