What are any of you saying? These are innocent, weak children in trouble! I'm sick of this - this bull hockey! All of it! I'm sick of stealing people's cars and robbing banks! I'm sick of picking fights with disabled people in bars and getting drunk and wiping people's memories and brainwashing the police! Do you really think we were made special so we could do nothing for nobody?! When are we going to stop being a bunch of selfish jerks and start helping others?! When?!
- -- Faith
All-new arc, all-new jumping-on point! HARBINGER WARS continues in a standalone, four-part arc of HARBINGER, featuring the return of original series artist Khari Evans (Carbon Grey)!
The world has just become a much bigger, much more dangerous place for Peter Stanchek and the Renegades...
How will they react to the revelation of Project Rising Spirit's secret mission and the harbinger hunter known as Bloodshot?
Harbinger Wars, Part 1[]
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Harbinger Foundation / Harada International (Flashback and main story)
- Griffon (First appearance) (Flashback only)
- Hunter (First appearance) (Flashback only)
- Toyo Harada (Flashback and main story)
- Project Rising Spirit
- Director Carter (First appearance) (Flashback only)
Other Characters:
- Bloodshot (Mentioned and cover only)
- Dzungar Buddhists (Flashback only)
- Generation Zero (Behind the scenes)
- Kuretich (Mentioned only)
- Nevada Highway Patrol
- Pantera (Mentioned only)
- Mongolia (Flashback only)
- Nevada
- Desert Dog Bar & Grill
- Hoover Dam
- New York
- New York City (Flashback only)
- North Carolina (Flashback only)
- The Great Dismal Swamp (Flashback only)
- Utah
- Buddha statue
- Writers: Joshua Dysart
- Pencilers: Khari Evans, Trevor Hairsine
- Inkers: Stefano Gaudiano
- Colorists: Ian Hannin
- Letterers: Rob Steen
- Cover Artists: Khari Evans (Regular), Clayton Henry (Pullbox), Patrick Zircher (1:20)
- Editors: Warren Simons, Josh Johns (assistant)
- Editor-in-Chief: Warren Simons
This article does not have a synopsis recorded yet.
This article has no additional notes or trivia.
I don't care if I fall again. I don't care if I die from flying right now. Thank you. Thank you for this life.
- -- Faith
If you don't put on some Pantera or something that's, like, not gay, I'm gonna go completely ape balls back here!
- -- Torque
What are any of you saying? These are innocent, weak children in trouble! I'm sick of this - this bull hockey! All of it! I'm sick of stealing people's cars and robbing banks! I'm sick of picking fights with disabled people in bars and getting drunk and wiping people's memories and brainwashing the police! Do you really think we were made special so we could do nothing for nobody?! When are we going to stop being a bunch of selfish jerks and start helping others?! When?!
- -- Faith
Cover Art[]
Note: The theme of the regular cover would be used again for the cover of the Pre-Order Edition of Harbinger Wars 2: Prelude #1 (May, 2018).
Cover Art (Textless)[]
- Harbinger
This section is for footnotes and citations.