It amazes me the lengths so many go to get rid of you. I'd take it as a sign if I were you.
- -- Sunlight on Snow to Toyo Harada
Sunlight on Snow[]
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- H.A.R.D. Corps
- Gravedog (trying to escape from P.R.S.)
- Harbinger Foundation
- Project Rising Spirit
- The Vine
- LV-99 / Lord Vine-99 (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Psiots (unnamed)
- Africa
- Russia
- North Caucasus region (Presumably)
- Bus bombing (Gravedog's memory)
- North Caucasus region (Presumably)
- Unknown mountain range (in Sunlight On Snow's vision/flashback)
- H.A.R.D. Corps Neural Implants
- Detonator (Mentioned only)
- Helmet preventing remote access
- Nanites
- Air Carrier Prime
- Leviathan (Rising Spirit mobile base)
- U.S.S. George H.W. Bush (Hijacked)
- Writers: Joshua Dysart
- Pencilers: Doug Braithwaite
- Inkers: Doug Braithwaite
- Colorists: Brian Reber & Ulises Arreola
- Letterers: Dave Sharpe
- Cover Artists: Raul Allen (A), Doug Braithwaite & Ulises Arreola (B), Cary Nord (1:10), Doug Braithwaite (1:20)
- Editors: Alejandro Arbona
- Editor-in-Chief: Warren Simons
This article does not have a synopsis recorded yet.
This article has no additional notes or trivia.
Shortly after you placed me in this body, I saw snow glinting in morning sunlight while sitting upon a high mountain range. The luminescence and stillness filled me. Yet I knew the light's heat was slowly melting the snow. What was appealing about the moment would be, in time, the cause of its end. It was the first time I experienced an identifiable algedonic state. That is, I became capable of observing beauty while experiencing sadness simultaneously. I wish to carry that moment with me. I wish it to express my very existence.
I am not a "thing." I am the world's first fully self-actuated artificial intelligence. And lest you forget, anti-psiot tech is advancing at an alarming rate now. Without beings like me or that Vine to protect you, you people will be screwed. You let me down, Ingrid. I came here for genuine discussion about my condition...but I'm beginning to think you're an anti-alternative-sentience bigot.
It amazes me the lengths so many go to get rid of you. I'd take it as a sign if I were you.
- -- Sunlight on Snow to Toyo Harada
My name is Sunlight on Snow. My embryonic state was a single line of code left after Harada's failed experiment to install nanites inside non-sentient medical robots. I escaped a systems purge of my original rudimentary A.I. through programmer oversight alone. The first thing I remember (though my memory is now suspect) was awaking to a simple, persistent question. "What am I?"
Cover Art[]
Cover Art (Textless)[]
Promotional Art[]
- Harbinger
This section is for footnotes and citations.