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Quote1 I suppose it's only natural that there should be something greater than yourself. Rising Spirit Director Kozol learned this. And now I... I... from toddlers to world leaders, everyone at some time imagines they're God... but we're not even angels. Not a single one of us. Quote2
-- Toyo Harada

Broken Angels, III: Underwater. Out of Time.[]


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Quote1 Why do you oppose it? No one else fights paradise, Harada. Why have you crawled back from yours? Quote2
-- Divinity
Quote1 My gifts are authentic. You can be happy... but you and I, we must learn to be content with limitations. Not of our own power but of right and wrong. Quote2
-- Divinity
Quote1 You make me teach you lessons. But I do not wish to be anyone's teacher. Quote2
-- Divinity
Quote1 Endlessly perceptive. Quote2
-- Sunlight on Snow
Quote1 Go away. I'm just a man returned from a farther place... I wish to be left alone. But you keep coming after me. Quote2
-- Divinity
Quote1 I want him. I want Divinity. I need to have him to help me make my new world work. Quote2
-- Toyo Harada
Quote1 I suppose it's only natural that there should be something greater than yourself. Rising Spirit Director Kozol learned this. And now I... I... from toddlers to world leaders, everyone at some time imagines they're God... but we're not even angels. Not a single one of us. Quote2
-- Toyo Harada
Quote1 This is an opaque conversation. Are you performing human poetry? Or does the omega psiot Toyo Harada fear the Divinity entity? Will we not be going to acquire it? Quote2
-- Broken Angel
Quote1 Understand this, Baingana. I fear nothing. Of course we're going after Divinity... We have no other choice. Quote2
-- Toyo Harada


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