Valiant Comics Database

Brigadier General Capshaw, formerly Colonel Capshaw, is the tough-as-nails Director of G.A.T.E. (formerly M.E.R.O.), a U.S. Military organization that protects the Earth from extraterrestrial threats. She is responsible for recruiting the superhero X-O Manowar and handles him directly as their top agent. She is also in command of the Biosphere Oversight Base – G.A.T.E.'s mobile headquarters.


There is no history section recorded here yet.


There is no information about this character's personality recorded yet.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Firearms
  • Leadership


This character has no special equipment listed.





Quote1 If you're waiting for me to beg, we're going to be here for awhile. Quote2
-- Colonel Capshaw[src]
Quote1 Sorry, buddy... but it's your turn to BURN. You attack my planet, kill my men, and steal my prisoner out from under me... but when you &@#$ with my base... I get really mad. Quote2
-- Colonel Capshaw[src]
Quote1 My career. The rest of my life is dependent on this. Dependent on a barbarian in an alien suit of armor. Quote2
-- Colonel Capshaw[src]
Quote1 I'm career military, Doctor. Do you know what I had to do to get here? Become the Grim $&#@&*% Reaper herself. I've made more dead bodies than I've met breathing ones. You don't think I know that this is a long shot? That I'm gambling with lives? The world is under siege from a creature from another dimension who can unmake reality as we know it. I'll take any chance I have in order to stop it. Quote2
-- Colonel Capshaw[src]


This section is for footnotes and citations.

External links[]

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