You really don't get it, do you? There aren't any more Gophs or Citizens. We're all just human now and we're all being hunted! And we fight together or we die alone!
- -- Leeja Clane
Holocaust 4002, Part 4: The Fall of North Am[]
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- E-7
- Malev Empire
- Malev Emperor
- Malev Vizier (Dies)
Other Characters:
- 1-A (Mentioned only)
- Felina (Appears only as a corpse)
- Freewill Robots
- Robots
- Earth-Robs
- Med-Robs
- 4,002 A.D.
- Japan (Mentioned only)
- North Am
- Central Sector
- Mainbrain Complex
- Milespires
- Goph Lev
- Central Sector
- Yosemite
- Phobos (moon) (Mentioned only)
- Ectotheric Energy
- Ectotheric Generating Stations
- Rapid-Healing Cylinders
- Magnus' Spacecraft (Mentioned only)
- Skimmer
- Writers: John Ostrander
- Pencilers: James Brock, Peter Grau
- Inkers: Jimmy Palmiotti
- Colorists: Mark Csaszar, Mike Cavallaro
- Letterers: Simon Erich, Ken Lopez
- Cover Artists: James Brock, Ralph Reese, Mark Csaszar
- Editors: Kevin VanHook
- Editor-in-Chief: Bob Layton
While the Malev Emperor takes control of North Am's Mainbrain, Magnus is rescued by Tekla and the Freewill robots from his crash site. After the Malev Vizier treacherously attacks Tekla, the Freewills and Magnus join together to battle the Malevs. As the Vizier is defeated, more Malevs attack Synchron and the Freewill city is abandoned.[1]
This article has no additional notes or trivia.
Get up! Floot you, get up! If it was just your own life you wanted to throw away I'd say do it and be damned! But there are too few of us still free and those humans who have been taken depend on us! So blast it, get moving! You'll help me find a Skimmer or I'll kill you myself!
- -- Leeja Clane
You really don't get it, do you? There aren't any more Gophs or Citizens. We're all just human now and we're all being hunted! And we fight together or we die alone!
- -- Leeja Clane
This way, Synchrons! No masters, human or metal! Live free or die! Attack!
- -- E-7
Hoy! Metal head! You kill Felina, hey?! You the one kill Slagger's girl?! Slagger kill you! FOR FELINAAAAAAAA!
- -- Slagger
Now, Vizier! Now it's down to just you and me! Just as one day it'll be down to me and your Emperor! And this is how it will end! This is what I trained for all my life to do! You've won nothing! So long as I draw a breath, the war goes on! And it will end when I've pounded the last Malev into scrap! When they're all as dead as you!
- -- Magnus
A common enemy does not make us friends. In my eyes, you are and always will be as great a danger to Freewill robots as the Malev. Get yourself out if and as you can. I will have nothing more to do with you.
- -- E-7
Cover Art[]
This section is for footnotes and citations.