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Quote1 Strange – amusing – that we should feel something as human as hate – but we do hate Magnus. Quote2
-- Malev Emperor

Flesh and Steel[]


Featured Characters:

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The true origin of Magnus is finally revealed to Magnus himself.

Magnus and Rokkie, the Geomancer, journey to the undersea base where Magnus was raised by 1-A. There, they discovered that 1-A has rebuilt himself into the birdlike "ASA" unit, and the transformable "Hard Rob." ASA presents Magnus with an ancient letter from his mother, as well as armor better suited for the war against the Malevs than his red tunic.[1]


This article has no additional notes or trivia.


Quote1 Strange – amusing – that we should feel something as human as hate – but we do hate Magnus. Quote2
-- Malev Emperor
Quote1 Sometimes I feel like a robot -- acting out my programming. I even dream that I'm a robot sometimes! To be honest, I feel more comfortable with robots -- and yet I kill them on a regular basis! Quote2
-- Magnus
Quote1 I have told you before, young one, you cannot kill that which is not alive. Quote2
-- ASA
Quote1 I'm human! I had a mother! I had a father! I'm not a machine! I'm human! Quote2
-- Magnus
Quote1 I am Magnus -- and I fight for humanity! Quote2
-- Magnus
Quote1 I'm sorry, Magnus. I heard a lot of voices back there and they're all gone now. I'm afraid you've lost your childhood. Quote2
-- Rokland Tate
Quote1 You're wrong, Rokkie. I just gained my past. I know who my mother was. Like Rai, I too have the "Blood of Heroes" in my veins -- but mine is human blood. Quote2
-- Magnus


Cover Art[]




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