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Quote1 I am Talen, leader of the people whom some cal the Amazans. The rainforest is our domain, all of it. And it is sacred. The people and our scaly brothers demand to know what business you and the metal ones presume to have here. Speak -- while you have a throat to speak with! Quote2
-- Talen

The Battle for South Am, Chapter 4: Allies[]


Featured Characters:

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Magnus and his allies battle to keep South Am from falling to the Malevs. There, they win the unexpected support of the Amazans -- a bionisaur-riding tribe of warriors who protect the rain forest. Together, with the Amazans, Magnus is able to prevent the Malev plan to destroy the rain forest and, thus, irreparably damage Earth's atmosphere.[1]



Quote1 What?! Who binds me?! Quote2
-- Magnus
Quote1 Relax. Take it easy. We may be among friend. Quote2
-- ASA / 1-AB
Quote1 I am Talen, leader of the people whom some cal the Amazans. The rainforest is our domain, all of it. And it is sacred. The people and our scaly brothers demand to know what business you and the metal ones presume to have here. Speak -- while you have a throat to speak with! Quote2
-- Talen
Quote1 I've accessed some old records about these people. Greatest hunters of this age. They're part of the reason the rain forest is still standing. They could be allies if we play this right. Here. Put this on your finger but don't try to call the armor. Bust the bonds and then shove the ring in their faces and ask if they still honor the covenant of blood. Make it showy. Quote2
-- ASA / 1-AB
Quote1 I hate theatrics. Uhnng! Quote2
-- Magnus
Quote1 You are a warrior of great strength! I see we have not given you the respect you deserve. We will do so now. Kill him. Quote2
-- Talen
Quote1 Hold. Is the people's memory so short? Have they forgotten the sign? Do they forsake the covenant of blood? Quote2
-- Magnus
Quote1 You speak wisely, Magnus! Come, brothers and sisters -- our scaly brethren! This is the hour of which the prophecies have spoken! The people to come will sing songs of this day! We go to fight for the very life of the forest itself! Fly, my friends--fly! Quote2
-- Talen
Quote1 Ai-yi-yi-yi! Victory, brothers and sisters! The metal skins flee! The forest still stand! Rejoice! For what can we not do if we all stand united?! Quote2
-- Talen


Cover Art[]




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