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Valiant Comics Database

Quote1 Many of you already know who I am. For those who do not--I am Magnus, the robot fighting champion of North Am. I can tell you with certainty that the Malev Emperor is dead, because I was there when it happened. And I know the terrible price that was paid for this victory. My esteemed ally and...friend, Rai, gave his life at the final battle. Let us take a moment to remember our dead. Quote2
-- Magnus, Robot Fighter

New World Order[]


Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Cloud-Cloddies
  • Gophs
  • Robots
    • Agro-Robs (Mentioned only)
  • Steel Legion (Mentioned only)
  • Terran Consortium Troopers (First appearance)
  • Torque (Magnus' father) (Mentioned only)
  • Unnamed delegate of the Arab Sector (Cameo)
  • Unnamed delegate of the Israeli Sector (Cameo)




  • Skip-Cycles



This article does not have a synopsis recorded yet.



Quote1 The Malevs are beaten-- the war is over!! Quote2
-- Magnus, Robot Fighter
Quote1 Many of you already know who I am. For those who do not--I am Magnus, the robot fighting champion of North Am. I can tell you with certainty that the Malev Emperor is dead, because I was there when it happened. And I know the terrible price that was paid for this victory. My esteemed ally and...friend, Rai, gave his life at the final battle. Let us take a moment to remember our dead. Quote2
-- Magnus, Robot Fighter
Quote1 Therefore, it is my privilege as T.C. President to sign this, the Clane Act, into law. From this day forward, all robots, androids, and artificial intelligences shall be considered illegal and must be scrapped. Elimination of these mechanisms will be carried out by the Terran Consortium well as by...outside parties whit whom I'm negotiating. This legislation will ensure that humankind will never again bow to artificial lifeforms. Furthermore, labor-saving and though-assisting technology shall be limited to twenty-first century standards. We will build our future with human hands. Quote2
-- President Magnus
Quote1 O-ouch! Careful, Leeja--he may have my eyes, but I think he has my father's Harbinger strength! Don't you worry, little "Torque"'re gonna grow up in a safe and peaceful world. Quote2
-- Magnus
Quote1 Run! Run for your lives! Quote2
-- Doc
Quote1 Strange that as the Clane Act has made technology less important to you, religion has reasserted itself. Quote2
-- Balaam
Quote1 Well, you Psi-Lords may have evolved beyond a need for faith...but what you'll never understand is that faith is the only thing that got us through the Malev War. Quote2
-- Magnus
Quote1 This is embarrassing! I'm trying to set a good example as president, yet my own son's the biggest delinquent in the sector! Quote2
-- Magnus
Quote1 I'm sorry I'm not perfect like you! I'm going crazy living in your shadow. But what am I supposed to do? People don't care who I am--just who my father is. Quote2
-- Torque Clane


Cover Art[]




This section is for footnotes and citations.

External links[]
