Valiant Comics Database

The Mistress of the Prometheans is a psychotic counterpart to Doctor Neela Sethi found in the far future. While initially believed to simply be her younger counterpart from farther in the future, it was later revealed she is one of many clones of the original Neela, all implanted with memories from alternate timelines to make them hate Ivar, Timewalker and life itself. The Mistress is the leader of the robotic Prometheans who created her, as well as a worshiper of the dark, morbid death cult known as The Null.


There is no history section recorded here yet.


There is no information about this character's personality recorded yet.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Promethean Body Mods: When attempts to brainwash the real Neela failed, the Prometheans simply cloned her and gave all her clones the same advancements. More specifically, their ability to manipulate and traverse the 5th dimension unimpeded, enabling them to move through time and space with little impunity.
    • Enhanced Physicality: Mistress's futuristic bionics naturally augment her anatomical dynamics. Affording her superhuman strength, speed, durability, stamina, reflexes and so on.
    • Planeswalking: Due to the 5th dimensional nature of her enhancements, The Mistress can not only move across the corridors of history but traverse the infinite expanse of alternate histories as well.
      • Time Travel
      • Dimensional Travel
      • Geo-Leaping: Mistress can teleport unknown distances almost instantly.
    • Energy Manipulation
      • Energy Blasts: Her still-functioning left eye can fire a blast ray device that emits unknown energy for offense.
  • Genius-Level Intelligence: Being implanted with memories from an alternate timeline Neela, the Mistress has her same, incredibly advanced intelligence.


  • Extensive Promethean technology cybernetic enhancements


  • The Mistress's origin is a paradox, due to the nature of time travel. She was cloned from Neela Sethi after she attempted to kill herself, but Neela only attempted to kill herself to stop the Mistress, who she had already met thanks to time travel, from ever existing in the first place. So in a roundabout way, the Mistress is responsible for her own creation.




Quote1 Come with me if you want to break history. Quote2
-- Mistress of the Prometheans[src]


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External links[]

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