A once-loyal agent has defected from the ranks of MI-6’s most elite espionage unit…and Ninjak has been dispatched across the globe to prevent his secrets from plunging the world into chaos. But in the shadows of Mexico City, Colin King is about to discover something far more deadly… The Ninja Programme’s own former sensei, the Jonin, has assembled a conspiratorial circle of enigmatic enemies – the Dying One, Kostiy the Deathless, Linton March, and The United’s Ultimo – for a purpose so sinister that even Ninjak can’t risk engaging them alone. Enter Livewire, Punk Mambo, Dr. Mirage, and GIN-GR – Ninjak’s brand-new black ops team with a very specific set of skills…and a license to kill the unkillable!
Acclaimed writer Christos Gage (Netflix’s Daredevil) and high-octane artist Juan José Ryp (BRITANNIA) take the driver’s seat for a heart-stopping race to save the world as “THE COALITION” prepares for the ultimate clash of super-teams!
The Coalition, Part 1[]
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- MI-6
- Neville Alcott
- The Ninja Programme (Flashback only)
- Coalition (First appearance)
- Jonin (Flashback and main story)
- K-2 (Flashback and main story) (First appearance)
- Kostiy the Deathless
- Linton March
- Ultimo
- Woman who only appears on cover (Spoiler-Alert!)
Other Characters:
- Armor Hunters (Mentioned only)
- GIN-GR (Mentioned only)
- Coalition guards
- Coalition scientists
- Doctor Mirage (Only appears on cover)
- K-2's challenger (Flashback only)
- K-2's handler (Flashback only)
- Livewire (Only appears on cover)
- Ninja-D (Mentioned only)
- Ninja-I (Mentioned only)
- Ninja-J (Mentioned only)
- Punk Mambo (Only appears on cover)
- Undead Monk (Mentioned only)
- The United (Mentioned only)
- Unity (Mentioned only)
- England
- London
- SIS Building (at Vauxhall Cross)
- London
- Mexico
- Mexico City (Flashback and main story)
- El Ajusco Mountain Range
- Mexico City (Flashback and main story)
- Stalinverse (Mentioned only)
- United States (Mentioned only)
- Armor Hunter technology
- Deadside artifacts
- Katana
- Tracking devices
- Weeping stone
- Writers: Christos Gage
- Pencilers: Juan Jose Ryp
- Inkers: Juan Jose Ryp
- Colorists: Jordie Bellaire
- Letterers: Dave Lanphear for A Larger World Studios
- Cover Artists: Tonci Zonjic (A), Alan Quah (B), David Williams & Ulises Arreola (Pre-Order), Clayton Crain (1:20), Neal Adams & Tim Shinn (1:50)
- Editors: David Menchel (assistant), Karl Bollers
- Editor-in-Chief: Warren Simons
This article does not have a synopsis recorded yet.
- The Pre-Order Edition was secretly added to the first Pre-Order Bundle as Valiant had forgotten to properly advertise the next story arc's bundle (#6-9) in the PREVIEWS catalog. A bundle for issues #7-9 could still be ordered via
Pre-Order Edition[]
The "Pre-Order Edition" of Ninja-K #6 contains the following extra material:
- Cover Process: Sketch, line art, and colors (for Alan Quah's Cover B);
- Page in Process: Script, pencils, colors, and final art (for page 10);
- The World of Espionage - Script Excerpts:
- From the Deadside
- Master Combat
- Linton March
- Kostiy the Deathless
- Ultimo;
- The Ninja Files Interconnected Cover: Sketch and final art (of the 1:20 Retailer Incentive cover of issues #1-3 and #5 by Kenneth Rocafort);
- The Faces of Madame Charad - Sketch, alternative, final design (character design by Tomas Giorello with colors by Andrew Dalhouse).
Cover Art[]
Preview (b/w)[]
Preview (colored)[]
Final Preview[]
This section is for footnotes and citations.