The Steel Legion[]
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- 1-A
- M'ree
- Spylocke
- Steel Legion (First appearance)
- Malev Empire
- Malev Emperor
- Malev Vizier (Mentioned only)
Other Characters:
- 4002 A.D.
- North Am
- Goph Lev
- Mainbrain Complex
- Sewers
- Work Camps
- Pacific Ocean
- North Am
- Writers: John Ostrander
- Pencilers: Sean Chen
- Inkers: Kathryn Bolinger
- Colorists: Kathryn Bolinger, Mark Csaszar
- Letterers: Tony Bedard, Ken Lopez
- Cover Artists: Sean Chen, Kathryn Bolinger
- Editors: Kevin VanHook
- Editor-in-Chief: Bob Layton
Having survived a harrowing fall through the milespires, Rai and the others meet Tekla and the Steel Legion. Fighting their way free of the Mainbrain, the Freedom Force and the Steel Legion manage to destroy their Malev pursuit. Then they split their forces -- Magnus leading an attack against a Malev work camp and Rai taking on slavers in the South China Sea.[1]
- At the end of this issue the Future Force is divided into two teams led by Rai and Magnus. The story of Rai's team is continued in this series, obviously, and the story of Magnus's team is continued in Magnus, Robot Fighter #27,
#28, and
- Rai's team: Leeja, York Timbuc, X-O Commando plus Spylocke
- Magnus' team: Elzy, Eternal Warrior, Slagger, and Tekla
- The Future Force reunites at the end of Rai and the Future Force #14 before the beginning of The Battle For South Am crossover (between the two series) is started in Rai and the Future Force #15.
No time to discuss with numb-nut cloud-cloddie. We run away now!
- -- Elzy
Hoy! Next time Elzy clops someone brainless, Elzy can carry him!
- -- Slagger
We need to find a way down below. Suggestions, people?
- -- Gilad
Goph Lev be Elzy, and Slagger's turf. We lead. You cover butts.
- -- Slagger
This way. Your odds of survival are always better on the high ground.
- -- Spylocke
Steel Legion -- ATTACK!
- -- Tekla
Really, Tekla. We know what to do. Leave the melodramatic posturing to the humans, hm?
- -- E-7
Pick your targets, Legion. Try not to hurt the humans -- although the maker knows they bruise so easy.
- -- E-7
My, thanks, friend! ...
- -- Rai
I'm not your friend. I'm the Malevs' enemy.
- -- E-7
As for you, Malev -- Mindlock!
- -- Rai
Usurping any robot's mind, even a Malev's, I find personally repugnant and I will not tolerate it!
- -- Talon
We few were preparing for eventual war with humans. We'll fight the Malevs first.
- -- E-7
Guess that's it, then. We better get moving. Not safe to stay in one place too long.
- -- Magnus
Fare you well, Robot Fighter, until we meet again -- in this life or the next!
- -- Rai
Cover Art[]
This section is for footnotes and citations.