Valiant Comics Database

The Shadow Woman of World War II was, unsurprisingly, the Shadowman during World War II. She was part of a "supreme fighting force" that eventually fell apart due to conflicts of interest and personality among the members.


There is no history section recorded here yet.


It was implied that the Shadow Woman was psychopathic, and possibly cannibalistic.

Powers and Abilities[]

The symbiotic relationship with the Shadow Loa grants the Shadow Woman an assortment of powers and abilities. These include...

  • Reduced fear
  • Night vision
  • Regeneration
  • Enhanced strength
  • Enhanced endurance
  • Enhanced reflexes
  • Free passage to the Deadside



  • It is unknown how, if at all, the Shadow Woman is related to the Boniface family. She has never been mentioned in any family histories, and Maxim Boniface was active as the Shadowman in Harlem only a handful of years before WWII. While the Shadow Loa can possess individuals outside the Boniface family, it has almost entirely avoided doing so in modern times.
    • It is also possible the Shadow Woman is not in possession of the Shadow Loa at all, and instead is simply a normal woman with a costume inspired by the Shadowman lineage.
    • Valiant Universe Handbook 2019 #1 lists the Shadow Woman as a member of the Shadowman lineage, but unlike other listed members, the Handbook does not describe her direct relationship to the Boniface clan. Instead she is only labeled as a "WWII fighter", adding to the confusion.




Quote1 A psychotic personality was left unchecked. Quote2
-- Eternal Warrior[src]


This section is for footnotes and citations.

External links[]
