We're all liars, Mr. Boniface. It's an unfortunate fact of being alive. I've tried to be truthful, always, and I've found it always eludes me.
- -- Archer
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Archer & Armstrong
- The Coven
- Nettie
- Emilie N'Dour (Mentioned only)
- Devon
- Sandria Darque
- Master Darque
- New Age Nazis
- Leland Paige
- Dale
- Eric
- Gregory (driver)
Other Characters:
- Mercedes Benz
- Writers: Bob Hall
- Pencilers: Bob Hall
- Inkers: John Dixon
- Colorists: Stu Suchit, Andrew Covalt
- Letterers: George Roberts, Jr.
- Cover Artists: Bob Hall, John Dixon, Mike Cavallaro
- Editors: Don Perlin
- Editor-in-Chief: Bob Layton
Master Darque sends a cadre of militant neo-Nazis to disrupt a Voodoo ceremony in the bayou. Archer and Armstrong come to Shadowman's aide while he struggles to recover from the effects of the Voodoo rite. When they discover the leader of the Nazi group is a local politician, the three heroes pay him a visit, telling him not to repeat any such attacks -- or else![1]
This article has no additional notes or trivia.
Please don't be deceived, gentlemen! I can propel these missiles with amazing rapidity.
- -- Archer
You've slept through the whole day. Now it's time to go nazi hunting. You with, us?
- -- Armstrong
Oops! Clumsy of me.
- -- Armstrong
This has always been a city of contrasts -- prejudice and tolerance. Voodoo and Catholicism. This street used to be the edge of Storyville, the finest red light district in the U.S.A. Now it's all low income housing... c'est la vie. Nettie was working here when I first knew her. Don't be too hard on her, Jack. She's doing what she has to do.
- -- Armstrong
We're all liars, Mr. Boniface. It's an unfortunate fact of being alive. I've tried to be truthful, always, and I've found it always eludes me.
- -- Archer
Cover Art[]
This section is for footnotes and citations.