Valiant Comics Database

Syntilla is an alien necromancer with mysterious abilities who is under the influence of Imperatrix Virago. According to herself, she is much older than she looks.


Eons ago, when Syntilla was truly a child, she could not control her strange and powerful necromantic abilities. As her powers grew and her limited control lessened, her alien world began to die. It took months, as her family, friends, and everyone she ever knew saw their own flesh rot from their bones. When all that was left were corpses, Syntilla discovered she was not alone: a savage warrior on their planet named Virago survived Syntilla's plague, and became changed by it. She was now younger, stronger, and even more bloodthirsty than before.

Virago became mad with power, and combining her own skill in battle with Syntilla's dark powers, she founded an empire spanning both galaxies and the Deadside. Syntilla was forced to slumber for years, waking up to destroy and feed on the energy of worlds conquered by the self-proclaimed "Imperatrix". When her job would finish, she'd be put to sleep again, to keep her young and lively. Virago used these energies to keep herself and Syntilla young and immortal as their conquest spread across the universe.


There is no information about this character's personality recorded yet.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Necromancy
    • Energy Conversion
    • Portal Creation
    • Acid Touch


One of Syntilla's only possessions is a small bird she likes to take care of whenever she's allowed to be awake. Because of the long times she is forced to sleep, the bird always dies, and is replaced before she awakes.


This article has no additional notes or trivia.





Quote1 Hello, little thing. I'm Syntilla. I'm older than I look. You are beautiful. Do the creatures here worship you, I wonder? I hope so. That's it. Off you go. The horde will be here any second, and there not as friendly as I am. Quote2
-- Syntilla[src]
Quote1 Oh, yes. Virago's driven the girl quite mad. It's Syntilla's curse, you see... She converts living things into necromantic energy, which Virago then harvests to sustain herself. Think of Syntilla as Virago's personal chef. Quote2
-- Amy[src]


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External links[]

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