You heard them, bug-man -- if you understand our tongue! If Solar's right, you have nothing to fear from me! But there's still a big question here -- who are you?
- -- X-O Manowar
A Stranger in a Strange Land, Part 1 of 2[]
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Armorines
- Bloodshot
- Charlene Dupre / Flamingo
- Ken Clarkson
- MI-6 (Behind the scenes)
- Jillian Alcott
- Neville Alcott (Mentioned only)
- Secret Weapons
- Solar
- Bank robbers
- Harbinger Foundation
- Spider Aliens (Mentioned only)
- X-O Manowar
Other Characters:
- Aliens (Mentioned only)
- Bank of America (Mentioned only)
- BBC News
- Jon (Behind the scenes)
- Nelson
- Bill (Media mogul)
- Chan (the monk)
- CNN / KTLA News
- Sarah
- Harbingers
- Los Angeles Police Department
- Mercenaries from Rhodesia (Mentioned only)
- Mr. C. Biggers (Ufologist) (Mentioned only)
- Reverend Bill
- Reverend Bill's producer
- United States Government (Behind the scenes)
- United States Military (Behind the scenes)
- Alabama
- Mobile
- California
- California / Nevada
- Earth (Mentioned only)
- England
- London
- British Museum
- London
- Massachusetts
- Aliens (film) (Quoted)
- Armorines Armor
- Guns
- Holy Bible
- X-O Manowar Armor
- Green van
- Helicopter
- Police cars
- Writers: Kevin VanHook
- Pencilers: Bryan Hitch
- Inkers: Dick Giordano
- Colorists: Stu Suchit
- Letterers: Jade Moede
- Cover Artists: Bryan Hitch, Dick Giordano, Stu Suchit
- Editors: Jesse Berdinka
- Editor-in-Chief: Bob Layton
This article does not have a synopsis recorded yet.
This article has no additional notes or trivia.
Explain yourself! Your silence screams your guilt!
- -- X-O Manowar
Don't be afraid. My name is Solar. I've brought you here in hopes that we can talk. -- And if we can't, there aren't any innocents here to suffer from our battle.
- -- Solar
If your intentions are good -- if you wish to be a hero for the Earth -- then you can't be this public! I made that mistake myself... and I was hounded!
- -- Solar
The Spider Aliens cause me a hundred lifetimes of misery, Gunny! -- If this is one of their monsters, I'll end his wretched existence!
- -- X-O Manowar
You heard them, bug-man -- if you understand our tongue! If Solar's right, you have nothing to fear from me! But there's still a big question here -- who are you?
- -- X-O Manowar
Cover Art[]
This section is for footnotes and citations.
External links[]
There are currently no external links listed for this article.