Toyo Harada is the central antagonist of the Harbinger series. He is a powerful Omega Harbinger himself, with only Peter Stanchek rivaling his psychic abilities. Harada runs the Harbinger Foundation, an international organization dedicated to studying "Harbingers" or "psiots." He believes his guidance is the only thing that can stop the world from destroying itself, and he will use any means necessary to gain power or influence. To this end he recruits many young Harbingers and trains them to serve in his army.
Character in Comic Books[]
Valiant Comics Era (1991-1996)[]
Acclaim Comics Era (1996-2002)[]
Valiant Entertainment Era (2012-present)[]
Valiant Entertainment[]
- Imperium #1-16 (feat. Toyo Harada) · (February, 2015 - May, 2016)
- The Life and Death of Toyo Harada #1-6 · (March, 2019) [1] [2]
Other Pages[]
No other pages currently listed.
This section is for footnotes and citations.
- ↑ Valiant Announces THE LIFE AND DEATH OF TOYO HARADA #1 – A Six-Part, Prestige Series from Joshua Dysart, CAFU & A Rotating Cast of Superstar Talents! (February 23, 2018 by The Valiant Voice)
- ↑ In March 2019, witness the dawn of THE LIFE AND DEATH OF TOYO HARADA... (Tweeted by Valiant Comics on August 7, 2018)