A child of pop-culture who dreams that she is like the heroes in her comic books, Faith Herbert sees her fantasy become true when Pete Stanchek, a psionic of extraordinary power, awakens her Harbinger ability to fly and recruits her in his quest to thwart Toyo Harada, the world’s most powerful Harbinger, and his dream of a better world.
The Positively True Adventures of a Misfit[]
As the heart of the Harbinger Renegades, a loose organization of renegades, Faith’s journey of high-adventure and sorrow made her an inspiration to other Harbingers across the world.
Children of The Eight-Day[]
On June 4th 1991, while Faith Herbert was watching Star Trek: The Next Generation in her PJ’s, her mother, Martha Herbert, called her to the living room, and, as she came downstairs, Pete Stanchek and Kris Hathaway asked her if they could speak in private and she reluctantly invited them to her room. When Faith asked her what they wanted, Kris showed her the letter she wrote to the Harbinger Foundation, which mortified Faith, who thought they wanted her to beg them not to show it to everyone in school. As Faith lashed out, Pete rose off the floor and told her that he wrote a letter like hers and that the foundation killed his best friend and tried to kill him. When Faith assumed that the foundation was a school for mutants, Pete warned her that if she could do what she claimed they would try to use her as well. Though Faith insisted that she could fly, when Pete looked into her mind he discovered that she was normal and told her that they just wanted to warn her about Harbinger and then he and Kris left.
Shortly after Pete and Kris left, Faith flew out of her window and started them. As Faith cheerily floated in midair and asked if she could help them since people like them had to stay together, Pete pondered that he had triggered something in her mind when he looked inside it. After Faith changed into a bright blue costume and packed a trunk with her stuff, she, Pete, and Kris flew the Moonlight Motel, where the police were waiting for them.
That night, while Faith, Pete, and Kris hid in an abandoned van in Eberhardt's Auto Salvage, Faith asked Pete and Kris if they could huddle to keep warm, but Kris refused and told Pete that if he wanted to sleep with Faith they could have each other. When Faith accused Kris of being jealous because she was just an ordinary human and Kris called Faith a cow, Pete made them lay down beside him, but he then immediately released them from his control and apologized. While Kris recoiled, upset that Pete had controlled her again, and Faith complained that her head throbbed, Pete said that he did the kind of thing that Toyo Harada would have done. As Kris asked Pete if he was forcing her to be his lover and he said that he was not, she asked him if he knew that what he did was evil and warned him that if he ever did it again she would kill him. Determined, Kris told Faith and Pete that they were going to find more people like them and stick together as a team, and, someday, become an army and pay everyone they owe. After she openly declared war against Harada and everyone else who played God, Kris relented and allowed Faith to sleep besides them.
The next day at the Holmes-Standard Textile Mill, Pete returned from a raid of the foundation’s Atlanta office with a bag full of files and Charlene Dupré, a Harbinger he met there. While Kris disliked Charlene due to her overt sexuality, Faith eagerly asked her what she could do, and, at Pete’s behest, she set herself ablaze to demonstrate her control over fire. When Charlene charred her clothes, Faith found her something to wear in her trunk while Kris chastised Pete for not helping her stop. Later, as they read the files Pete brought over, Kris found a folder with thousands of names marked investigated/negative, except for Charlene’s, which was marked Class A, when then Faith found the file of a guy named John Torkelson marked investigated/inconclusive -- Class D and suggested they go find him. While Pete said that it would be a waste of time because if he were special the foundation would have found out, Kris thought that they should check it out, and when Pete insisted that it might be a long shot or a trap, she walked out and accused him of only wanting to check out other girls. Relenting, Pete agreed that they should all go.
Hours later Pete and the others found John at his work in Sonny's Garage, and while at first he sent them away, when he heard that three of them were girls he turned his attention towards them. When Pete asked John if he wrote a letter to the Harbinger Foundation, he told him to leave before he beat him up, and while Pete dragged Kris and Faith away with him, Charlene stayed to flirt with John. As Pete rushed off, he told Kris and Faith that he looked inside John’s mind long enough to know that he was illiterate and someone else had written the letter to Harbinger about him, but then Kris told him that she figured that out just by looking at him and accused him of not looking in his mind. Just then, Charlene and John drove up to them in his mustang, and while the girls left with them, Pete stayed behind.
That night while they cooked dinner,, Faith mused that her mother might be out combing the country side for her and asked Charlene if her parents would worry if she did not return home, and she told her that her mother was surprised when she did. When Faith thanked John for buying them dinner, he told her that she had to eat because she was a growing blimp and Charlene laughed at the put down.
After dinner, while Faith flew around the mill, Kris and Charlene fought over John, but then Pete returned to the mill and pushed them apart. When Pete accused John of working for the foundation and he denied it, he forced himself into his mind to learn the truth and realized that he was wrong. Enraged, John lifted his car over his head and threatened to kill Pete, but Faith made him realize what he was doing and he set it down. Rueful, Pete apologized to John for acting like a kid and told him that the things he saw in his mind of what people did to him when he was kid were unspeakable.
As Pete suddenly jerked back and fell to his knees, Li Yan, the Eggbreaker code–named Thumper, leapt out of a chopper and landed besides them. As Kris urged John to help them protect Pete and shielded him, Faith tried to shake off the Foundation Troopers as they repelled down, but she was too slow and they shot Kris in the back. When she realized that there were too many troopers, Faith boarded the chopper to stop them and knocked out a Harbinger who suppressed Pete’s abilities.
After Pete dispatched the troopers and destroyed the helicopter, Todd Bevins, a foundation executive, contacted him through a trooper’s radio and warned him that he had crossed the rubicon and declared war against the foundation. Before he ended the transmission, Todd urged Pet to realize that they had the power to destroy him, and told him that if he cared about his friends he would not drag them down with him. Troubled, Pete loomed over Kris and had no idea of what to do, while John wanted to take care of Kris and then rip the troopers’ throats out. While neither Charlene nor Faith wanted to stay behind, the latter said that being a hero was not as she thought it would.
The Root of All Evil[]
On the early hours of June 6th 1991, Faith Herbert, Charlene Dupré, John Torkelson, and Pete Stanchek barged into the Saint James Hospital ER and demanded medical assistance for Kris Hathaway. While Pete demanded to see a doctor, Faith urged the nurse to make an exception for heroes. When Lawrence Heyward walked into the ER, Pete threatened to rip his lungs out unless he helped Kris, but he dared him to do it and warned him that he did not work well under death threats. When John told him that Kris was barely breathing, Pete went inside Lawrence’s head to make him treat her, but when realized that his pushing him could screw up his skills, he pulled out as fast as he went in and left him with a headache. In the hope that he could help Kris, Pete gently ripped the bullets out of her back while the others watched in dread, and after he was done, Lawrence could see that she was in shock and offered to help her long as they behaved.
Tense hours later, Lawrence told Pete that Kris’ condition had stabilized and that she would be fine. When Lawrence asked Pete how he did what he did, Pete offered to return someday to pay their bill and tell him. Despite the doctor’s objection, Pete lifted Kris as gently as he could and left before the people that shot her would find them. Soon as they came out of the hospital, a group of snipers took a shot at them, but Pete shielded them. When Faith and John tried to steal a car, Lawrence tossed them his keys and told them to be careful with it. To Lawrence’s amazement, Pete levitated the vehicle and it flew out of sight. Shortly, while the kids debated where to eat dinner, Lawrence called them on his car phone and told Pete to take a map to his summer house out of the glove box and meet him there.
The next morning when Kris woke up, Faith eagerly told her they won their first battle and defeated the troopers that tried to kill Pete, who urged her to relax and told Kris that Dr. Heyward fixed her and he would tell her everything that happened after she rested. While Kris slept, Lawrence told the kids to make themselves at home and asked to speak with Pete in private. While Lawrence took Pete to the veranda, Faith asked John and Charlene if they wanted to play Super Mario Land, but John told her to go advertise tires and offended her.
That night, Faith donned her costume and returned to the Holmes-Standard Textile Mill to retrieve her trunk. As Faith flew into the abandoned mill and soliloquized about their victory against the troopers, she pondered that their team needed a name, then, as she stood at the edge of the demolished structure, she noticed that her trunk, John’s car, and the wrecked chopper had vanished as if someone removed every trace that there ever was a battle. Suddenly, two troopers grabbed Faith from behind, but then Pete pushed them off her with his mind. When Pete told her that they were supposed to be a team and she should not go off on her own without telling anybody, Faith told him that they were not much of a team since they did not even have a name and she was the only one who wore a costume. Just then, a trooper tossed a grenade at Pete and Faith, but Pete pushed it back against him and contained the explosion. Though they refused to tell him anything, Pete pulled out all the information he could from the troopers’ minds.
After Pete and Faith dropped the troopers into a pile of sludge, they followed an address he gleamed from their mind to a specialty clothing store. While they checked out the place, the owner rushed in with a gun and warned them to put their hands up or else he would shoot, but Pete slammed him against a pile of boxes and disarmed him. After Pete discovered that the owner’s gun was a water pistol and apologized for slamming him, Faith found a box full of Harbinger uniforms and an invoice with the address to the world headquarters of Eight-Day Inc., a front office of the Harbinger Foundation. When the store owner asked them if they worked for Eight-Day Inc, Pete and Faith pretended that they did, and got him to give them three boxes full of custom-made uniforms of different sizes and then they left.
Two days later, while Faith keenly told Charlene and John that she could alter the uniforms to make them look more like a team, Pete suggested that they raid Eight-Day Inc., but John insulted him and Charlene refused. As Faith told Pete that they did not need them and suggested that they go alone, Kris told John that she could see through him and could tell that, while he had Superman’s body, he was a lonely boy who never had anyone on his side. She then told him that he liked being with them, but he could not believe anyone could accept him, so he tested them to prove that they did not care, but they were already the closest thing he had to a family and the reason he was against the raid was that he did not want them to get hurt. As she came into the living room, Kris told John that families could support him, but they could also let him down, that they can be there for him but he could also loose them. As she told John that he had to be brave, Kris told him that if he was one of them he was going on the raid wearing one of the costumes.
Very early the next morning, Pete took the others flew to the worldwide headquarters of Eight-Day Inc. in the World Trade Center in New York City aboard Dr. Heyward’s car. On their way there, John asked Pete what they were after, and as he told him that they were after anything they could get, he reminded them that Dr. Heyward said they could only say with him until Kris was better. While Faith savored their flying into battle together, Charlene worried that she would get beat up like in all her other fights. While John and Charlene waited in the car, Pete and Faith went inside the building and found the Eight-Day Inc. office on the 47th floor.
Shortly, the four of them took the elevator up to the office, and while they looked around, Pete wondered how they came up with the name Eight-Day and Charlene told him that it came from the Bible in reference to God’s creation of man. Just then, Faith uncovered a hidden elevator behind a bookcase and they decided to take it down to the bottom floor. On their way down, Faith hoped that they would find a secret sub-basement crawling with armed guards and deadly super-foes where Harbinger trained people like them and kept a danger room where they honed their powers to combat readiness, and her zeal made Charlene very nervous.
When the doors opened, Faith and the others came upon a large group of troopers who were expecting them. Though Faith assured Pete that they were right behind him, she lost consciousness and collapsed on the floor. While Pete used Charlene to disarm the troopers and kept four Eggbreakers back with his telekinesis, he drenched John and Faith with water from a pool to wake them up. When Faith woke up, Sparrow and her sister Swallow, two Eggbreakers, went after her, but she sat on Sparrow and broke her hip.
After Pete dispatched the troopers, he challenged Toyo to fight him one-on-one without his troops, but then Weasel distracted him and Toyo escaped. As she floated over the unconscious troopers, Faith expressed her disbelief at their victory. Shortly, after the four resistance fighters boarded the elevator to escape, they came out into a penthouse office, where, while Pete brought the car up to them, Faith found a wall safe and John broke it open. As they flew back to the Heyward summer house with countless wads of cash, Pete and the others serenaded Kris over with phone with We’re In The Money.
One Small Step...[]
On July 6th 1991 at the Heyward summer house, Pete Stanchek urged the others to hurry so they would not miss their plane as he came down the stairs, then he asked if anyone had seen Kris Hathaway or John Torkelson and Faith Herbert offered to go find them. When Faith flew into the gameroom looking for them, Kris awkwardly asked her to wait for them upstairs to hide that she was teaching John how to read and gave her the wrong impression of what they were doing. Though Lawrence offered to take them to the airport, Pete flew them there in a car that he bought them with the money they liberated from the Harbinger Foundation. During their flight to Seattle in first class, Faith told Charlene that John traded seats with her, unaware that he did not want to sit with her.
That evening in the Lake Union Mall, Faith and the others met Ax, an obnoxious self-professed computer wizard with a natural affinity for electronics who Faith called after they found his bulletin board notice to help them break into locked-up disks they took from the foundation. When Ax took them to his father’s company, he impressed them when he figured out the keypad code and let them in. An hour later, as Ax was unable to break into the disks’ encryption and said that he would only try once more and was keeping the money, Kris asked him why they called him Ax and he told her that it was because he played his guitar as if he was wired to it. After Pete and Kris talked for a minute, he touched Ax in the head and, all of a sudden, he heard an incredible buzzing coming from the computer.
After the disks told Ax how to open them, he opened a file labeled extraterrestrial landing sites, and while Kris thought it was a joke, Pete believed it was a code word and Faith suggested they go check out one of the addresses. When John asked what they were going to do with Ax, Faith said he was dangerous and could tap into NORAD and start World War III like in War Games, while Kris asked Pete if he could un-pop him and he told her that he could make him forget what happened. Pleadingly, Ax asked Pete not to take his ability away as he had spent his entire life looking at the world through a keyhole and now the doors were wide open. While Faith thought they could harness Ax’s power for good and Pete believed he deserved a chance, Kris and John were certain he was insane. When Pete asked her what she thought Charlene did not want to voice her opinion, but he coerced her into voting and she said everyone deserved a chance.
That night, Faith and the others followed a map to a clearing by a waterfall in the Olympic National Park, and while they looked around before it got dark, an electronic hum that came from a tree told Ax that the stump concealed a landing beacon inside. At Ax’s suggestion, the group stayed the night to wait for something to land, unaware that the Spider Aliens, a race of blood-thirsty extraterrestrial aliens, were watching them. After Faith returned with burgers from McDonald’s and they ate dinner, John wondered how long they were going to wait and Ax accused him of being afraid of the dark. While Faith told Ax that he did not have to be a jerk all the time, he suddenly got the feeling that something high-tech was coming their way right before a Spider Might opened fire on them.
Two hours and thirty-six minutes later, the vessel headed to the dark side of the moon and Kris saw the Spider Alien Moonbase glistening in the sun. While Faith wondered if a long-dead civilization lived under the surface, a door opened up and a docking clamp pulled the ship inside. When the door to the base opened, Pete suggested that they look for a way to open the docking bay so Ax could fly them out, but then they all lost consciousness and collapsed. While Faith was out cold, a group of Spider Soldiers took her and the others to an exam funnel, while Rexo, a Vietnam veteran the aliens transformed into a bionic enforcer, grabbed Ax and said that he might be useful.
Five months later, Ax awoke Faith from stasis and told her that he made a deal with the aliens to help them build a ship big enough to get them out of their solar system and they agreed to let him have her to keep him company. Shocked, Faith rejected Ax and awoke Pete, and even though Ax tried to stop her, Pete rendered him unconscious. Moments later, after Faith and Pete woke up the others, they left Ax cold on the floor while they went to look for their ship, but when they turned a corner, they ran across Rexo and the Spider Soldiers, who blocked their path to the ship. While Faith tried to save Kris from Rexo’s tendrils, he snared her as well and rendered her unconscious. After Rexo captured the others, the soldiers swarmed over John he shouted for Charlene to help him, but she cowered in fear and could not move. Enraged, John called her a slut right before he lost consciousness and Rexo snared him with his tendrils.
Though Rexo offered to let kill Pete and the others, Ax told him to let the aliens eat them, especially Charlene, who reminded him of all the girls who thought they were too good for him but let any jock or preppy have their way with them. Pleadingly, Charlene told Ax that she wanted him to go with them and that she honestly thought he was cute. As she told him that she could have had her if he wanted to, Charlene threw herself at Ax’s feet and said that she could make him feel good. As Rexo ordered the soldiers to drag her and the others away to have their blood drained, Charlene burnt Ax’s testicles and stood up to confront Rexo, who ordered the soldiers to kill her.
Where The Love Light Gleams...[]
Inside the Spider Alien moonbase on the far side of the moon, Charlene Dupré lit herself ablaze and warned Rexo to stay away from him, but he called her a slut and threatened to skewer her for what she did to Ax and carve all her goodies off before he killed her. Frightened, Charlene warned Rexo that she would burn him, but he mockingly said that all the heat she was making would cook her friends before it did him major damage and then slapped with a blade that cut her face and told her that he hated girls and had no use for them since he was 90% bionic. While Rexo joked that Charlene made him a favor when she burnt Ax and made him more like him and now they had a lot more in common, she softened the floor beneath him and fell through it.
While she freed Faith and the others from the tendrils, Charlene hoped she had not burned them before she figured on making the heat go into the floor. Worried that they were not safe, Pete said that they had to find the ship that brought them to the moon and ordered John to bring Ax with them. Shortly, Faith and the others boarded the vessel, and, as John warned Ax to take them home or he would take his face off, he activated the autopilot. When Ax fell on his knees in excruciating pain, Pete wondered if his injuries were severe and Faith, Charlene, and Kris looked at them and gave him first aid. As the ship neared Earth’s atmosphere, Pete worried that the aliens were waiting for them where they found the ship, so he carried it the rest of the way home, a feat that impressed Faith. On their way back to Savannah, John tossed Ax off the ship near Waycross, Georgia, and though Pete thought that it was kind of nasty to drop him in the middle of nowhere when he was hurt, the others told him that he was a traitor and no better than Rexo.
After Pete found Dr. Heyward’s house, he hid the ship beneath the water in case they ever needed it. As they flew inside the house, Faith lamented that, without Ax’s electronic power, they could not fly the ship, but then she thought that it was still neat to have a spaceship. As they went in and Pete noted that the house looked closed for winter even though it was July, Faith shivered and said that it did not feel like July. When Faith turned the television on to watch Star Trek: The Next Generation, an ad for the Parisian that announced there were only three days left until Christmas made her realize the aliens kept them in suspended animation before they escaped and they had been gone for over five months. Dismayed, Faith told Pete that she missed her Senior year, but he did not know what to say other than to apologize. As Kris noted that they were all exhausted, she suggested that they figure what to do the next morning. The next morning, Faith went home and left Pete a note that said it had been great super-heroing with him even if everybody called her Zeppelin and that she hoped he would understand why she had to leave.
Two nights later in the Herbert house in Lynchburg, Virginia, Faith stared out the window while her mother told her that she could not stop looking at her and thought she would never see her again. When her father, Henry Herbert, said she could open up one of her presents just because they were so glad to have her back, Faith excitingly leapt off the coach and grabbed the biggest box she saw under the tree. While her father said that he and her mother were pleased when they found her gift, and her mother told her that she knew she was going to love it, Faith opened the box and was greatly disappointed to find a Batman action figure and a Batmobile toy vehicle.
The next night, while Faith made her way back to the Heyward summer house, she saw Charlene headed the same way and gave her a lift. When they arrived at the house, Faith joked that two and a half of the world’s mightiest super heroines were in their doorstep and asked them if they wanted them back or if she had to sit on them. When Kris asked what made them change their minds, Faith said that it was hard to get excited about pretend super-heroes once she had battled aliens on the moon, while Charlene said that, once she straightened out what she had to take care of, she could not think of a better place she would rather be. As Kris wished that John would come back as well and Faith shouted that he would be back because he needed them, Charlene noted that he was too stubborn to admit that, but then Pete suggested that they go find him themselves.
An hour later, Pete and the others discovered John’s burnt shanty and found Ax and the rogue Harbingers in an empty tree lot. As Faith feared the men with Ax were tough enough to knock down John, Pete knocked Ax out just as he was about to hit John with a hammer. When Eugen Mulholand, an extremely hostile anti-social recluse, opened fire on her with a machine gun, Faith snuck up behind Frank C. Treese, a paranoid-schizophrenic, and used him as a shield to deflect Eugen’s bullets and tossed him at him to knock them out. With Pete’s help, the resistance flew away from the lot and left Ax and his rogues in the ground while the police arrived on the scene.
The next morning, as Faith passed out Tylenol, ace bandages, and mercurochrome as if they were Christmas gifts, Kris wished everyone a merry Christmas. When Pete noted that Christmas with his friends was the best he ever had, Charlene asked God to bless them all.
King's Crossing[]
On March 1st 1992 outside the Chrysler Building in New York City, Faith Herbert and the Harbinger Resistance gathered to discuss their discovery that Toyo Harada hired Karl Breznoff, the mercenary called Sniper, to attack Aric Dacia, a 5th Century Visigoth lost in the modern age who possessed the Manowar Class Armor, the most powerful weapon in the universe. When Faith Herbert told the others that Toyo arranged to meet Aric in New Orleans, Pete Stanchek proclaimed that Toyo’s presence in the States was their opportunity to stop him before he became a dictator. When John Torkelson reminded the others that Toyo played for keeps, Kris Hathaway told Pete that he had to kill Toyo and reminded him that he was the only one of them who could take him on. While Faith worried Aric might try to stop them, Pete told her they would politely ask him to step aside because they were the good guys.
That night in New Orleans’ French Quarter, Faith and the renegades watched as Toyo took Aric and Ken to the La Bas Jazz Club and kept their distance while they waited for the right time to strike. Shortly, while Toyo, Aric, and Ken listened to Jack Boniface, a jazz player, the renegades waited in the bar for Toyo to become inebriated before they attacked.
Later that night, as Toyo took Aric and Ken to Bourbon Street, Faith and the others attacked. While Toyo called his guards, Aric attacked John, who punched him through a wooden fence. As Aric donned the Manowar armor and dispatched John and Charlene, Pete deflected his lasers and tossed his in the air where Faith tackled him. As John grabbed Aric’s ankles and tossed him against a shed, Charlene climbed down to check up on him, but then Aric used a broken water main to douse her flames. In a huff, Charlene evaporated the water around them and created a curtain of steam that hid Aric from her and allowed him to punch her out and defeat Pete and John. Suddenly, Kris drove up to the club and the renegades escaped in her car.
As their car sped out of the city, Pete told the others that they would get another chance to get Toyo, but that they would have to lay low for the moment until he gave them another opportunity. Troubled, Pete worried that they now had two powerful enemies to deal with.
All For One...[]
On March 5th 1992 in New Orleans, Faith Herbert and the other renegades took a team photograph, a picture damaged by a beam of light which covered John Torkelson that Pete remarked would remind them of their first vacation together. While Kris Hathaway paid the photographer and clarified to him that they were not students, Charlene Dupré said that she had never been on vacation, except for a revival meeting in Tallahassee with her mother, and Faith Herbert told her that she had been on lots of vacations and they were the best.
After Kris reminded them that they were meeting at a Mexican restaurant for dinner, Faith flew away shouting Up, Up, and Away despite Kris’ concern that people would see her, Pete went off on a walk, Kris and Charlene went to an art gallery, and John went to a strip joint.
Later that day, while Faith flew over the city, she saw John watching the polar bears in the zoo. Though at first Faith did not believe that she had seen John, she concluded that since nobody else other than Schwarzenegger was as big as him it could only be him.
As Faith swooped down from the sky and asked John what he was doing, she startled him and he grabbed her. When John accused her of spying on him and threatened to rip her face off, Faith told him that she was not following and she wanted to see the zoo. After John let her go, Faith asked him why he was there when she thought he went to a girlie bar and he told her that he had never been to a zoo, but he heard other kids talk about it and he wanted to see what the big deal was. As Faith told John that there was nothing to be ashamed of, and that there was nothing wrong with having fun, he confessed that his foster father locked him in the smokehouse when he caught him playing. Lost in thought while Faith told him that he could do anything he wanted, John broke a fence. After Faith told John that he did not have to be macho around her since she was always doing kid stuff, he agreed to go with her to see the monkey house.
That night in the restaurant, while Charlene asked John about the girls in the topless bar, Faith told her that no one wanted to hear about a bunch of dumb dancing girls and asked her to tell them about the art gallery. Just then, Pete got an image in his mind and sensed that Harada was on his way there. While Pete pondered that something must had happened that shook Harada and made him let his guard down, Faith pointed to a TV just as a report about an explosion that destroyed one of the tallest skyscrapers n Dallas came on. Silently, the renegades listened as the reporter explained that, while the police cordoned off the area, even from his position he could see the incredible destruction, and that, in his opinion, though the police refused to comment on the possible cause of the catastrophe, he believed that they just did not know what happened yet.
Hours later, aboard a charted aircraft over Dallas, Pete asked Captain Smith, the plane’s pilot, if he might recognize the facility they were looking for if he showed him what it looked like. As Pete used his powers to insert an image of the research facility into his mind, the captain told him that it was a factory on North Road a couple of minutes from the airport that he always passed on his way home. After Pete told Kris that he found what they were looking for, he got the captain to fly them right over it. Minutes later, much to the captain’s surprise, Pete and the renegades jumped from the plane.
As Pete lowered the others down to the facility, he said that the whole time they were in New Orleans he felt Harada like an itch he could not scratch, especially after their run-in, and Kris remarked that this time they would scratch him for good.
Once on the ground, Pete and John deal with the security guards while Charlene melted a lock on a door into the facility. During the fight, as Pete commented on the lack of security in spite of Harada’s presence, Kris mused that, if Harada traveled there as abruptly as he believed he had, that maybe he could not bring his usual army.
As the renegades broke into the sub-basement through a hole that Pete ripped on the wall, Pete ordered the others to take care of the guards while he dealt with Toyo. As John pushed a scientist and threw a bodyguard across the room, he tossed the guard’s Uzi at Faith.
When Faith tried to shoot the guards’ guns out of their hands, the kick from the Uzi’s discharge pushed her against a guard who held a gun against her and ordered her to drop her weapon because he intended to use her to help them escape. Refusing to become a hostage, Faith propelled herself backwards to break free from her captor’s grasp and collided against a glass window which shards impaled the bodyguard. Shocked, Faith loomed over the guard as he bled out on the floor.
While Pete and Toyo silently faced each other amid a whirlwind, an executive told Seymour that it made no sense for them to fight anymore since their security men were down, and that it all was really on Toyo’s shoulders, and once he dealt with Pete, the others would present no problem. Troubled, yet confident, Seymour reminded the executive that Toyo was still keeping Puff aloft, and then, though he wondered if he could win with his attention divided that way, he cheered for Toyo.
Standing on the sidelines, Charlene asked the others whether they should help Pete, but Kris did not think they should interfere and told them that it looked like Pete was winning. Just then, however, Li Yan, who worried Toyo was in trouble, tackled Pete to stop him.
After Li Yan tossed Faith at Charlene and Kris, she tossed John against a wall with one punch and threatened to smash his skull. While John stared in shock at the glass shards protruding from the wall, Li Yan told him that she was going to break Charlene’s neck, and as she punched him in the stomach, she said that she was going to kill all of them so Toyo had nothing else to worry about except saving Robert.
Fed up, John grabbed Li Yan by the neck and pushed her off him. Curious to how someone as small as Li Yan could hit as hard and feel like she weigh a ton, John removed her coat and discovered that she was wearing weights under her clothes. As John punched Li Yan on the floor after he got rid of the weights and threatened to rip her throat out, Pete urged him to leave her alone.
Suddenly, Robert released a massive discharge that evaporated part of the floor and caught everyone’s attention. As the renegades and Li Yan gathered around Robert, Faith told them that she hurt one of Toyo’s men really bad and that she was not feeling well and was shaking all over. Though Faith begged them to leave, Pete told her that they first had to find out what was happening to Robert.
Worried for Li Yan’s safety as he felt himself starting to lose control again, Robert urged her to leave, but she refused. As Pete levitated Robert above the ground as he had seen Toyo doing, Robert told him that he made things disintegrate, but he had lost control and was in danger of blowing up anything solid that he touched. As Robert told Pete that he had forgotten how to control himself and suggested that he dump him out in the hills or kill him, the phone rang and Kris answered it.
As the operator told Kris that a caller on one of the outside lines said that it was important that he spoke with Toyo, she asked her to connect the call and, all of a sudden, Phil Seleski, the energy entity called Solar, came out through the phone demanding to see Harada.
When Pete wrongly assumed that Solar was one of Harada’s Eggbreakers, John rallied the others to attack him, but then Faith assured them that he was a good guy, a super-hero. As Faith gleefully told everyone that there used to be a comic book about Doctor Solar a long time ago, she asked Solar what he was doing in real life, but he told her that it was a long story and asked her what was happening.
Nervously, Pete told Phil that they went there after Toyo, but he escaped and they were trying to help Robert not blow up even though he and Li Yan were Eggbreakers. As he got the drift of the situation, Phil reminded Robert that he had told him before that his ability to interfere with molecular cohesion was tricky business, and he had to have fine control to prevent violent explosions.
As Phil told Robert that once he lost control he could start to get a mental block and that he wished he could coach him but he could not begin to describe how he did it, Pete asked him to demonstrate using a piece of rock. As Phil disintegrated the rock, Pete went inside his head and got a mental image of how he did it that he relayed into Robert’s mind.
While a thankful Robert embraced a relieved Li Yan, Phil chastised Pete for extracting information from his mind and angrily asked him whom he thought he was, when, just then, Harada returned to the sub-basement accompanied by a squadron of Foundation Troopers. Pleased to see the other two most powerful beings on the planet, Toyo sarcastically told them that there was much to settle among them.
There is no information about this character's personality recorded yet.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Flight
This character has no special equipment listed.
This article has no additional notes or trivia.
I knew that ad was a set-up--! Oh, god, I wish I'd never written that letter! Why did you come here? To make me beg you not to show it to everyone in school? But you would anyway! Why can't you just leave me alone?! Get out!
- -- Faith Herbert[src]
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